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HERE U CAN FIND SOME VAMPS PICS AND SOME VAMP STORIESSSSSSSSS LEXICON VAMPIRE : Common Parlance The common terms of the Kindred. Anarch - A rebel among the Kindred, on with no respect for the elders. Most fledglings are automatically assumed to be anarchs by the elders, and are despised as products of the 20th century. Barrens, The - The areas of a city that are devoid of life-graveyards, abandoned buildings and parks. Becoming, The - The moment one becomes a vampire; the metamorphosis from mortal to Kindred. Also called the change. Book of Nod - The "sacred" book of the Kindred, tracing the race's origins and early history. It has never been published in its entirety, although fragments are known to exist in various languages. Beast, The - The drives and urges which prompt a vampire to become entirely a monster, forsaking all Humanity. Vide Man infra. Blood - The vampire' heritage. That which makes a vampire a vampire, or simply the actual blood of the vampire. Blood Kindred - The relationship between vampires of the same lineage and clan. The idea is much the same among mortals; only the means of transmission are different. Blood Oath - The most potent bond which can exist between vampires; the receiving of blood in an acknowledgment of mastery. This grants a mystical power over the one who is bound. Vide Blood Bond infra. Brood - A group of vampires gathered around a leader (usually their sire). A brood may in time become a clan (i.e. Giovoni). Caitiff - A vampire with no clan; frequently used in a derogatory fashion. To be clanless is not a virtue among the Kindred. Camarilla, The - A global sect of vampires in which all Kindred may hold membership. It's rule is far from absolute, and it serves as a debating chamber more than a government. Childe - A derogatory term for a young, inexperienced, or foolish vampire. The plural form is Childer. Clan - A group of vampires who share certain mystic and physical characteristics. Vide lineage, bloodline. Diablerie - The cannibalistic behavior common among Kindred, involving the consumption of the blood of another vampire. The elders do so out of need, whereas the anarchs do so out of desire for power. Domain - The fiefdom claimed by a vampire, most often a prince. Invariably a city. Elder - A vampire who is 300 years of age or older. Elders consider themselves ves the most powerful Kindred, and usually engage in their own Jihad. Elysium - The name given for the places where the elders meet and gather, commonly operas, theaters or other public places of high culture. Embrace, The - The act of transforming a mortal into a vampire by draining the mortal's blood and replacing it with a small amount of the vampire's own blood. Fledgling - A young, newly created vampire. Vide Neonate, Whelp. Generation - The number of steps between a vampire and the mythical Caine. Caine's Get were the second generation, their brood the third, and so on. Gehenna - The end of the Third Cycle; the impending Armageddon when the Antediluvians shall awaken and devour all vampires. Ghoul - A servant created by allowing a mortal to drink Kindred blood without the draining that would give rise to a progeny. Haven - The home of a vampire or the place where it sleeps during the day. Hunger, The - As with mortals and other animals, the drive to feed. for vampires, though, it is much more intense, and takes the place of every other drive, urge and pleasure. Inconnu - A sect of vampires, mostly Methuselahs, who have removed themselves from both mortal and Kindred affairs. They state that they have nothing to do with the Jihad. Jyhad, The - The secret war being waged between the few surviving vampires of the third generation, using younger vampires as pawns. Also used to describe any sort of conflict or warfare between vampires. Kindred - A vampire. Many elders consider even this term to be vulgar, and prefer to use a more poetic word such as Cainite. Kiss - To take the blood of a mortal, or the act of taking blood in general. Lupine - A werewolf, the mortal enemy of the vampires. Lush - A vampire who habitually feeds upon prey who are under the influence of drink or drugs in order to experience the sensations thereof. Vide Head Life, The - A euphemistic term for mortal blood taken as substentenance. Many Kindred regard the term as affected and prissy. Man, The - The element of humanity which remains in a vampire, and which strives against the base urgings of the Beast. Masquerade, The - The effort begun after the end of the great wars to hide Kindred society from the mortal world. A policy reaffirmed after the time of the Inquisition. Prince - A vampire who has established a claim to rulership over a city, and is able to support that claim nil disputandum. A prince often has a brood to aid him. The feminine form is still prince. Riddle, The - The essential dilemma of a vampire's existence - to prevent the occurrence of greater atrocities, one must commit evil deeds of a lesser nature. The proverb is: "monsters we are lest monsters we become." Rogue - A vampire who feeds upon other vampires, either out of need or perversion. Vide diablerie. Sabbat, The - A sect of vampires controlling much of eastern North America. the are violent and bestial, reveling in needless cruelty. Sect - General name for one of the three primary groups among the Kindred - the Camarilla, Sabbat or Inconnu. Sire - The parent-creator of a vampire, used both as the female and male form. Vessel - A potential or past source of blood, typically a human. |
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SOME VAMPS INFO The CAMARILLA What is the camarilla? Well it's what we are, a group of vampires is only a clan. But a group of clans. That is the camarilla, we have our laws and our traditions. Also the way we punish those who break the laws and traditions. Obey the Prince and respect his domain. The Inner Circle: The Inner Circle is the highest rank of the Cammarilla. They only meat every 13 years, in Venice. Any vampire attending this meeting may speak but, the Inner Circle members are the only vampires allowed to vote. Each bloodline is represented in the Inner Circle, and the votes called hear effect all the vampires of the Cammarila. The Conclave: The Conclave is the means of how the Cammarila functions as a sect. This is called by a Justicar, and together the clans decide upon the actions they will take, considering the events. Or, anything else that may be a major factor. Usually the meeting is held near the area that is affected the most by the following votes. Justicars: Justicars are the judges of the camirilla. Each clan is represented, and their can only be one to each clan. This of course does not mean one Justicar can not hold power over another, but most likely not. They hold power over all, except the inner circle, vampires. They are usually those who pass judgment on another vampire, as stated by the Traditions. Arcons: Watchers appointed by Justicars, most of the time blood bounded, to be their eyes and ears. Only seven Justicars exist, one from each clan, but their is no limit to Arcons but they really hold no specific place. Usually they travel great distances looking for those vampires who have fled from their Justicars judgment, which usually mean that vampire is, good a staked out in the sun. Prince: A Prince holds a region and controls the activities, and are to make sure the Traditions are upheld in the realm they govern, especially the Masquerade! Enforcers: A Prince may have one or a group of vampires to enforce his wishes. The only thing is who is running the city, the Prince? Or his enforcers? Primogen: Each domain has a clan leader called Primogen, they take the lead of the clans activities in the city. The Prince may call a council of the Primogen to straiten out clan rivalries in the city that may be too, risky to let be settled on their own. TRADITIONS :The Traditions The First Tradition: The Masquerade Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the Blood. Doing such shall renounce thy claims of Blood. The Second Tradition: The Domain Thy domain is thine own concern. All others owe thee respect while in it. None may challenge thy word while in thy domain. The Third Tradition: The Progeny Thou shall only Sire another with the permission of thine elder. If thou creastest another without thine Elder’s leave, both thou and thy Progeny shall be slain. The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting Those thou create are thine own children. Until thy Progeny shall be Released, thou shall command them in all things. Their sins are thine to endure. The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality Honor one another's domain. When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shall present thyself to the one who ruleth there. Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing. The Sixth Tradition: Destruction Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind. The right of destruction belongeth only to thine Elder. Only the Eldest among thee shall call the Blood Hunt. |
CAITIFF CAITIFF The clansless. Caitiffs, are a new aspect to the vampire's society. They don't have anyone to teach them Disciplines, and no one to tell them of the Traditions. This doesn't mean they don't know any Disciplines, they could very well make their own, but usually they figure out a few small tricks to a few Disciplines. Some may even group together every once in a while, but not likely. They prefer their freedom, and the will to do what they will. Caitiff are vampires with no clan to call their own. This usually happens because their sire despised them and left them to die. And the occasional victim of feeding gets lucky, and some how gets some of the vampires blood. They are also the rebellious ones, and some take leave of their sire and do as they will, most of the time moving to a new city or some where remote. Most of the other clans look upon the Caitiff as trash, weak blooded, no knowledge of who and what they are and leave them to them selves as long as they don't cause any trouble, and most defiantly don't break the Masquerade. But remember one thing, the father of us all has no clan to call his own. So some of you could say "Caine is a Caitiff." The Code of the Dead The Dictum Mortuum, or Code of the Dead, was created by Charon to halt the abuse of wraith power that had profligated in the Dark Ages. Although it is volumes long, its essence can be summed up in the preamble, of which a portion is reprinted here. I, Charon, Emperor of Stygia, by the power of the words of the Lady of Fate, do hereby set these laws down that they may serve to bring order between this world and the forer; that no wraith under any circumstances for any reason is to penetrate the barrier that divideth the Land of the Dead from the Land of the Quick; to engage in congress with those that have not yet passed over, or speak to the Quick of events yet to come; or in any way, shape or form harass, threaten, injure or otherwise compel those in the Land of the Quick to do the bidding of those in the Land of the Dead; or impart upon those in the Land of the Quick any desire or compunction to take a life, be it their own or that of another, in order to effect the passing over of one or more to the Land of the Dead, be they friend or foe, parent, child or lover... -From Q.A. Macaulay, ch. 7, ibid. TREMERE History: The Tremere are unique, their history is short but yet extensive. Their founder was not one of Caine's childer, at least not directly for the original Tremere clan did not have the use of Thaumaturgy. In the Romanian mountains, a district known as Transylvania, a group of magi were embraced by the clan leader. The newly born vampires used their new powers with their old and quickly came up with the new discipline. They turned on their leader and took control of the clan, some say they also diablerized the clan elders as well. Hierarchy: By far the most organized clan is the Tremere, now based in Vienna. The highest rank of them is Tremere, though no one really know where he is, or at least their not letting any clue about it. The second in command is the clan elders, known as the council of seven. Each controlling their own area of the world. Clan loyalty is of the upmost importance, any things else means death. The other clan distrust this clan the most, because of their unnatural formation. That and no one really knows how powerful they really are. Disciplines: Auspex: is a discipline that allows exsencory awareness, every thing seen, or heard is magnified. But be wary to what you see and hear. A loud noise in the distance can be heard clearly, but a loud noise right next to you can make you go deaf. As well as starring into a higlogen lamp would promote blindness and some damage. Heightened Senses - All five of your senses are magnified. Conversations across the room could be heard without a problem, considering that the room is fairly quite. Good luck trying to hear any thing in a club. Aura Perception - You can see the aura or other things. What mood their in. Also you can find out if they are diabolist, for the aura's with black veins running through them are some thing to consider. The Spirit's Touch - By picking up a object you can tell who the last person or maybe persons were. And what they did with it of the last couple of moments they owned this item. I bet Colombo could of used this little trick. But who knows... maybe... he did! Telepathy - You can use this to read people, and vamps minds. You hear their thoughts as if they were telling you themselves. Psychic Projection - This enables your mind to go were no body has gone before. Well your mind goes but your body doesn't. Your body is left in the state of torpor while, your mind goes where you please. But of course you have limitations, and you can not go where the sun shines. And you also have no clue what is happening to your body. Be carfull you may lose it! Dominate: is capable of letting you control the mind and body of humans, and vamps alike. The draw back on vamps is that other vamps could also control you. And like any thing else the Elders can not be dominated, by the Elders can Dominate the Neonates. Command the Wearied Mind - You can give a one word command, and it will be obeyed instantly. It must be simple and to the point. Stuff like jump, run, sit, and maybe even fart. Ok so that's pushing it. Mesmerize - This allows you to plant a suggestion into the unconscious mind. It can happen immediately, or you can wait for a serration event to activate it. The Forgetful Mind - This lets you create, steal, or erase a memory. A lot of trouble can be caused with this. If you try to trash a memory, but instead it was just a short laps of memory. Well let's just say, you may not live very long. Conditioning - After a while you can condition your victims to become resistant to other vampires Domination. It can take weeks, months, and for the strongest of wills maybe years. After they are conditioned their free will and creativity is almost destroyed and usually just obey orders. Possession - This power can take complete control over your target, mind and body. It's like a remote controlled toy, except they have better control than a toy race car. Thaumaturgy: is blood magic and thoughts not of the Tremere seldomly get the chance to learn it. Though their are many different paths, all know the Path of Blood. A Taste for Blood - With the touch of the blood, one can tell how much blood that vampire has left, when and what that vampire fed last, and an approximate generation. Blood Rage - With but a touch a vampire can make another vampire use it's blood uncontrollably possibly even to the point of tourpor. Blood of Potency - A vampire can decrease their generation with this power, but only for a matter of hours. Theft of Vitae - A mystical blood transfusion, taking the blood of another vampire and adding it to your own. Cauldron of Blood - This is a very cruel act to inflict upon a vampire, it causes the vampire's blood literally to burn, damaging them greatly. Of course this used on a human, mean instant death. Many other paths are for the learning, and may more have yet been made. But their are to many to mention. But here are a few more. Weather Control - The name speaks for itself but, the more adept one is with this discipline the stronger the effects. Lure of Flames - The manipulation of the thing that vampire fear most, fire. Movement of the Mind - The movement of object with out physically touching them. One advanced enough in this art can even lift themselves. |
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This is one of my favorite images This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures. |
This is one of my favorite images This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures. |
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This is one of my favorite images This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures. |
This is one of my favorite images This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures. |
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This is one of my favorite images This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures. |